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17 Products
Bock. A beer that has a dominant malty taste.
A strong pale ale brewed with Brewers Gold & Lubelski hops, then slowly fermented with champagne yeast.
Peanut Butter Jelly Imperial Porter 13.3%
Dark chocolate and toasted coconut imperial stout – 12.6%
Peanut Butter Jelly Imperial Porter – 13.1%
Blueberry Cheesecake imperial porter – 12%
Coffee, maple and chocolate, smoked imperial breakfast stout – 13.8% 
This rich and flavourful Bock Beer has a crisp mild taste.
Natur-Radler is always a refreshing pleasure.
Bavarian brewing techniques and invigorating  natural lemon, result in a low-alcohol beer that's as refreshing as it is satisfying.
Classic Double Bock.
Samichlaus beer is brewed only once a year on December 6 and is aged for 10 months before bottling. 
The beer is aged for 10 months in Austrian oak barrels, imparting a complex, woody flavour into the beer.
Eisbock is a stunning little bottle of supercharged Aventinus
wheat doppelbock with a creamy fine head.